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Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Aspects at KSCS

Tall Ships Sailing Challenge 10-14 Sept 2018

10 students were chosen to attend, they all arrived on time on Monday morning for the drive to Portsmouth to board and act as crew on Challenger 3. Four crew plus two staff. I’m not sure if the best thing we did was the climb up the 95 foot mast or the comradery when cooking and working the hoists or tying off the sheets, or if it was learning how to tie a bowline knot or a reef knot. It could have been travelling at 35 knots speed with the wind battering the sail and tacking into the wind to create the maximum speed. Students loved the dingy races, and climbing along the spinner out over the side of the boat.

A highlight could have been the night navigation, students plotted and steered a route into Portsmouth harbour using red lights to read the instructions they have created.

In my view, the highlight started when we boarded on the Monday and stopped when we became landlubbers again on the Friday morning.

Students were awarded with certificates for their efforts and have an opportunity to return as volunteers if they wish. It’s the kind of experience that could make a difference or introduce the wider world outside Peterborough and school. It’s the kind of experience that allows students to think ‘I can…’ and you know what.. they did!


Students from Year 8-11 attended

Aspect of SMSC

Social Development
Cultural Development

Reason for event

Provided our students with the opportunity to learn new activities and develop their confidence, communication, life skills and teamwork especially.

Ken Stimpson Academy
Staniland Way
PE4 6JT (Sat Nav users: PE4 6WR)